April Week 4: Wrapping up the Series

Hey NewHope families and welcome back for another amazing day! Today we wrapped up our series on Patience and Shining Bright for Jesus!

Today our Elementary schoolers learned about Simeon’s patience as he waited for the Messiah. Simeon knew that God was going to send a rescuer and God promised Simeon that he would see this rescuer before he died. Simeon waited many and many years, but he trusted God. Finally, one day he went to the temple and there was Jesus, the rescuer God promised to send (Luke 2:25-35). In this story your child learned how God is with us in the waiting! You may have noticed that your child is bringing home their own version of a “Chia Pet”. Waiting for seeds to grow is a great way to practice patience. We encourage you to plant these seeds as a family and watch to see how long it takes the grass to grow. 

Today our preschool classrooms learned how God created us to shine in this world like stars in the sky (Philippians 2:14-16). We shine like stars when we act like Jesus and share his love with those around us. This may look different than the rest of the world and shows other people how amazing Jesus is. Today your child made a suncatcher. We encourage your family to hang this in a window in your house that your child sees often. Every time they see the light shining through, remind them how we can shine for Jesus!

CLICK HERE for more information on what your children are learning in NH Kids this month! 

Posted on April 28, 2024